Our firm handles all aspects of contested and uncontested divorces in New York State, including initiating or defending a divorce action, motions, depositions, trials, as well as negotiation. Sophisticated matrimonial practice often requires more than merely drafting the necessary legal documents or negotiating settlements, it also requires uncovering hidden assets or obtaining a correct valuation of marital assets or businesses. Let our experience at the negotiating table and in the courtroom work for you in all areas of matrimonial practice, including:
Prenuptial agreements
Antenuptial agreements
Contested and uncontested divorce
No-fault and fault divorce
Legal Separation
Equitable Distribution of marital home, marital assets, marital debts, business valuation, retirement accounts, 401(k) plans, pensions, stocks and bonds
Enforcement and Post-Judgment Applications and Modifications
Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO)

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new family clients*
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Our firm also represents clients in child custody:
Visitation matter
Grandparent's rights
Article 10 (Abuse and Neglect) proceedings
Child support
Paternity petitions